Safety Cones Everywhere

Friday, April 23, 2010 By: Transportation Supply

safety cones, safety cone, traffic cone, traffic cones, orange cone, orange cones, construction cone, construction conesChances are if you are a commuter (either to work or to school) you are dealing with a lot of construction right now on the roads.  This also means you probably see safety cones everywhere.  On the side of the road, in the middle of the road to direct traffic, and possibly in other places.

Safety cones may seem like the last thing you want to think about after getting home from work, but they can be very beneficial when it comes to improving our roadways.  Without these traffic safety products, our roads wouldn’t be as safe.

One Response to “Safety Cones Everywhere”

  1. This blog is great. How did you come up witht he idea? 7 6 6