Posts Tagged ‘traffic cone’

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Traffic Cone Issues

Tuesday, May 25, 2010 By: Transportation Supply

traffic cone, traffic cones, orange cone, orange cones, safety cone, safety cones, highway cones, road conesA traffic cone is pretty simple, so you may be surprised to see a post about traffic cone problems.  Well, they do exist, and the majority of the time it has to do with the quality of the cone.  One issue with traffic cones may be the material it is made out of.

Always be weary of a traffic cone that comes from China.  They can become disfigured under the heat and turn different colors.  Other issues include the quality of the reflective tape.  Try looking into these issues before purchasing traffic cones.

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Traffic Cone Problems

Wednesday, May 19, 2010 By: Transportation Supply

traffic cone, traffic cones, orange cone, orange traffic cones, orange traffic cone, safety cones, safety coneTraffic cones are all over the place.  On the highway, in your local village, on the football field.  They come in all types of colors and sizes, with different weights as well.  But, sometimes people have problems with their traffic cone.

What could these problems be?  Well, for one it could break or the color could fade out.  If the cone has been run over chances are it is broken, and you will have to get a new one.  If the cone is faded into a different color, try switching suppliers the cones could have came China.

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Traffic Cones on the Side of the Road

Tuesday, May 11, 2010 By: Transportation Supply

traffic cones, traffic cone, construction cone, construction cones, safety cones, safety cone, orange cone, orange cones, Where are traffic cones used most?  Well, chances are you can find them on the side of the road while you are taking that all-too-long drive home from or to work.  Or you may see them in your local town, protecting traffic or warning traffic of a ditch.

Traffic cones can be on the side of the road, or even on the soccer field!  The varieties and options on traffic cones means that there are a multitude of applications for them.

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What’s a traffic cone?

Thursday, May 6, 2010 By: Transportation Supply

traffic cone, traffic cones, safety cone, safety cones, 28 cone, 28 traffic cones, orange cone, orange traffic coneJust kidding, I am sure you know what a traffic cone is, but chances are you don’t know about the different options available for traffic cones.  Traffic cones can come with reflective tape, for one.  Reflective tape allows a reflection to be bounced off of the cone for better visibility.

Did you know that traffic cones can have blinking lights on them?  Did you know they come in over 5 different sizes, the most common being 28 inches?  Do you know that some are different weights and some come with bases, or can you can get bases as an option?  Well, now you do!

safety cones, safety cone, traffic cone, traffic cones, orange cone, orange cones, construction cone, construction conesChances are if you are a commuter (either to work or to school) you are dealing with a lot of construction right now on the roads.  This also means you probably see safety cones everywhere.  On the side of the road, in the middle of the road to direct traffic, and possibly in other places.

Safety cones may seem like the last thing you want to think about after getting home from work, but they can be very beneficial when it comes to improving our roadways.  Without these traffic safety products, our roads wouldn’t be as safe.