Options for Airport Windsocks

Monday, February 8, 2010 By: Transportation Supply

airport windsocks, airport windsock, airport flags, airport flagAirport windsocks are pretty easily noticeable, so even if you don’t work in the airport industry or manage an airport, you most likely know what they are.  But, if you are looking to order airport windsocks, you should be careful with the size windsock you choose, because the industry prices tend to jump up the bigger you go.  For example, a 10″ vs 36″ throat (the part of the sock where the wind comes in) can mean an extra $100 depending on where you buy them from.

When looking at airport windsocks, make sure the price includes the hardware, because no one likes finding a product needs more than it came with to work.  Hardware for windsocks can run up to $100 as well, so it can really make a difference.  As always, be sure to shop around to different websites or catalogs and learn about the product before you purchase it, so you know you are getting a good deal.

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