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What Specs Do I Need for My Airport Barricades?

Wednesday, October 9, 2013 By: admin

airport barricade

A lot of times when customers call to get a quote from us on airport barricades, they do not know the exact specs they need for those barricades.  In this case I am talking about the reflective sheeting requirements (Engineer Grade or Hi Intensity? Sheeting on one side or both sides?) as well as the lights and flags required.

The most common spec I have seen for airport barricade projects is hi intensity sheeting on both sides of the barricade, two red solar 360 degree airport lights on each barricade, and one orange flag on one end of the barricade.  This is probably 75% of my orders.

I wouldn’t go so far as to assume that’s what you need, but it’s a good place to start.  If you are unsure of the specs you need suggest this spec to the project engineer and see what they respond with.  It’s also important to note these barricade I am talking about are 10″ high and 96″ long.

If you need help picking our the correct runway barricade feel free to contact us through our website at