Posts Tagged ‘traffic arrow board’

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Traffic Message Boards For Who?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010 By: Transportation Supply

traffic message boards, traffic message board, traffic arrow board, arrow boards, arrowboardsThough one may expect traffic message boards to only be for those companies on the side of the road doing construction, they are for other purposes as well.  National Parks sometimes use them to warn or inform drivers who are driving next to or on the National Park.

Whether it is a special event or a fire, it is always good for the Parks to be able to communicate with the people driving by.  Traffic message boards make this communication possible.

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Traffic Message Board

Friday, May 14, 2010 By: Transportation Supply

traffic message board, traffic message boards, traffic arrow boards, traffic message sign, traffic message signsWhat is a traffic message board and where do you find them?  A traffic message board is basically the same as an arrow board, but an arrow board is a picture of an arrow directing traffic, and a traffic message board usually contains a longer message such as “road work ahead” or “left lane closed”.

You will most likely find these traffic message boards on the highway.  There are chances you will see them in your town, but probably only if your town is very big and there is construction going on.