Posts Tagged ‘safety cones’
What’s a traffic cone?
Just kidding, I am sure you know what a traffic cone is, but chances are you don’t know about the different options available for traffic cones. Traffic cones can come with reflective tape, for one. Reflective tape allows a reflection to be bounced off of the cone for better visibility.
Did you know that traffic cones can have blinking lights on them? Did you know they come in over 5 different sizes, the most common being 28 inches? Do you know that some are different weights and some come with bases, or can you can get bases as an option? Well, now you do!
Safety Cones Everywhere
Chances are if you are a commuter (either to work or to school) you are dealing with a lot of construction right now on the roads. This also means you probably see safety cones everywhere. On the side of the road, in the middle of the road to direct traffic, and possibly in other places.
Safety cones may seem like the last thing you want to think about after getting home from work, but they can be very beneficial when it comes to improving our roadways. Without these traffic safety products, our roads wouldn’t be as safe.
Traffic Cone Info
Traffic cones are usually used outdoors for road work or other things that require traffic to be diverted. Sometimes traffic cones have reflective sleeves or reflective collars so that they can be seen during the night. When traffic cones have retroreflective collars, they meet the MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices).
Traffic cones can range from 30 cm to over 1 m. When it comes to colors, brightness is the most important. Orange, yellow, pink, and red are the most common because of this.
Traffic Cone
Most people know what a traffic cone is, those orange cones on the side of the road usually involved in some sort of contruction. Or you may see them on the soccer field, as a drill to dribble between with the soccer ball (called sports cones). Traffic cones have a few different options, such as reflective tape.
You can get different grades of reflective tape, such as engineer grade, hi intensity or diamond grade. Traffic cones can come in different weights, because heavier cones may be needed to make sure they don’t blow over. A safety cone can come in different colors too, yellow, orange, blue, green etc.
Navigating the Urban Sprawl
Living near a major city like Seattle, sometimes I just hate having to drive. While I do take the bus a lot of the time, sometimes I need to drive into the heart of the city, and it’s a real pain with all the one-way streets, obscure stoplights, and construction sites with traffic cones littering the roadway. I can say with confidence that I break at least one law every time I drive into Seattle, and most of the time I don’t even know it.
When I bought my new car, I requested an in dash navigation system for the specific reason of being able to better navigate the streets in Seattle. Though I expected the in dash navigation system to at least provide me directions, it worked better than I thought it would. Not only does it tell me where to turn, but it also helps me avoid traffic and congested construction zones